Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Third Don Crossing

Dougie’s Election 5

On……Third Don Crossing

I was out walking one day
and as I was passing the Zoology Building
(near the new University Library)
I saw yet another traffic jam

There are often jams at this roundabout
usually heading towards King Street
but this time it was heading all the way up into Tillydrone
Later I learned that there had been
an accident on Great Northern Road
and the traffic had been re-routed through Tilly

‘That’ says I, ‘is the problem with the Third Don Crossing.’
The new bridge will deliver 1000s of cars to this point
it can’t go left to King Street
or go up Bedford Road
but must go up to St. Machar roundabout
creating what one commentator described as a
‘second Haudigan’
Thanks a lot.

The whole idea of the new crossing
comes from the
‘something must be done’ mindset
And fair enough
but this scheme simply won’t work
and even if it did
it isn’t fair

Woodside has already got more than its fair share of the city’s traffic
The Ring Road, the main road north, as well as the notorious Haudigan
Give us a break.

The traffic will go from St. Machar
up towards Cairncry to the Ring Road
completing a circuit
which will create an inner city M25
around – broadly- what we call ward 5
(Woodside, Hilton, Stockethill, Cornhill)

as a great lover of the river Don,
plough through one of the most beautiful bits of meadowland
in the city

If I am elected,
I will do all in my power
To resist this bridge.

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